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Suppleringsfoder til heste. ANALYTISKE BESTANDDLE Råprotein 16,5%, Råfibre 7%, Råolie og fedt 6,5%, Råaske 11,5%, Natrium 0,4%, Fordøjelig energi 13,4MJ/KG

SAMMENSÆTNING Bygflager, Tørret sukkerroemasse, Sojabønnemel*, Melasse, Majsflager, Ærteflager, Sojaolie*, Dikalciumfosfat, Solsikkeekstrakt, Maerl (Kalkholdige havalger), Sojaflager*, Hvede, Natriumklorid, Hvedefoder, Blanding af aromastoffer *Genetisk modificeret materiale

TILSÆTNINGSSTOFFER Vitaminer Vitaminer A (3a672a) Retinylacetat 25.000iu/kg, Vitaminer D3 (3a671) Cholecalciferol 2.500iu/kg, Vitaminer E (3a700) RRR-alpha-tocopheryl-acetate 127iu/kg, Vitaminer E (3a700) All-rac-alpha-tocopheryl acetat 504iu/kg, Vitamin C (3a312) Natriumcalciumascorbylphosphat 360iu/kg Sporstoffer 36mg of jern from Jern (II) sulfatmonohydrat (3b103), 0,9mg of jod from Calciumiodat, vandfrit (3b202), 72mg of kobber from Kobber (II) sulfatpentahydrat (3b405), 18mg of kobber from Kobber (II) chelat af aminosyrer hydrat (3b406), 100,8mg of mangan from Mangan sulfatmonohydrat (3b503), 25,2mg of mangan from Manganchelat af aminosyrehydrat (3b504), 230,4mg of zink from Zinksulfat, monohydrat (3b605), 57,6mg of zink from Zinkchelat af aminosyrehydrat (3b606), 0,76mg of selen from Natriumselenit (3b801), 0,33mg of selen from Selenomethionin (3b815) Zootekniske tilsætningsstoffer 4b1710 Saccharomyces cerevisiae MUCL 39885 (Vistacell). Antal af kolonidannende enheder (CFU): Minimum 9 x 10^9CFU/KG



Aliment complémentaire pour chevaux CONSTITUANTS ANALYTIQUES Protéine brutes 16,5%, Fibres brutes 7%, Matières grasses brutes 6,5%, Cendres brutes 11,5%, Sodium 0,4%, Énergie digestible 13,4MJ/KG

COMPOSITION Flocons d'orge, Pulpe de betterave sucrière séchée, Farine de soja*, Mélasse, Flocons de maïs, Flocons de pois, Huile de soja*, Phosphate dicalcique, Extrait de tournesol, Maerl (algues marines calcères), Flocons de soja*, Blé, Chlorure de sodium, Concassé de blé, Mélange de composés aromatisants *Matériel génétiquement modifié

ADDITIFS Vitamines Vitamine A (3a672a) Acétate de rétinyle 25.000iu/kg, Vitamine D3 (3a671) Cholécalciférol 2.500iu/kg, Vitamine E (3a700) RRR-alpha-tocophéryl-acétate 127iu/kg, Vitamine E (3a700) ALL-rac-alpha-tocophéryl-acétate 504iu/kg, Vitamine C (3a312) Sodium calcium ascorbyl phosphate 360mg/kg Oligoéléments 36mg of fer from Fer (II) Sulfate monohydraté (3b103), 0,9mg of iode from Iodate de calcium, anhydre (3b202), 72mg of cuivre from Sulfate de cuivre (II) pentahydraté (3b405), 18mg of cuivre from Chélate de cuivre (II) d'acides aminés hydraté (3b406), 100,8mg of manganèse from Sulfate maganique monohydraté (3b503), 25,2mg of manganèse from Chélate de manganèse d'hydrate d'acide aminé (3b504), 230,4mg of zinc from Sulfate de zinc, monohydraté (3b605), 57,6mg of zinc from Chélate de zinc d'hydrate d'acide aminé (3b606), 0,76mg of selenium from Sélénite de sodium (3b801), 0,33mg of selenium from Sélénométhionine (3b815) Additifs Zoologiques 4b1710 Saccharomyces cerevisiae MUCL 39885 (Vistacell). Nombre d'unités formatrices de colonies (UFC): Minimum 9 x 10^10 UFC/KG



Ergänzungsfuttermittel für Pferde. ANALYTISCHE BESTANDTEILE Rohprotein 16,5%, Rohfaser 7%, Rohfette 6,5%, Rohasche 11,5%, Natrium 0,4%, Verdauliche Energie 13,4MJ/KG

ZUSAMMENSETZUNG Gerstenflocken, Getrocknete Zuckerrübenschnitzel, Sojabohnenmehl*, Zuckerrohrmelasse, Maisflocken, Erbsenflocken, Sojaöl*, Dicalciumphosphat, Sonnenblumenkernmehl, geschält, Maerl (Kohlensaurer Algenkalk), Sojaflocken*, Weizen, Natriumchlorid, Weizennachmehl, *Genetisch modifiziertes Material

FUTTERZUSATZSTOFFE Vitamine Vitamine A (3a672a) Retinylacetat 25.000iu/kg, Vitamine D3 (3a671) Cholecalciferol 2.500iu/kg, Vitamine E (3a700) RRR-alpha-tocopherylacetat 127iu/kg, Vitamine E (3a700) All rac-alpha-tocopherylacetat 504iu/kg, Vitamin C (3a312) Natrium-Calcium-Ascorbylphosphat 360mg/kg Spurenelemente 36mg of eisen from Eisen (II)-sulfat-Monohydrat (3b103), 0,9mg of jod from Calciumjodat, wasserfrei (3b202), 72mg of kupfer from Kupfer (II)-sulfat-Pentahydrat (3b405), 18mg of kupfer from Kupfer (II)-Aminosäurechelat-Hydrat (3b406), 100,8mg of mangan from Mangan (II)-sulfat, Monohydrat (3b503), 25,2mg of mangan from Aminosäuren-Manganchelat, Hydrat (3b504), 230,4mg of zink from Zinksulfat, Monohydrat (3b605), 57,6mg of zink from Aminosäuren-Zinkchelat, Hydrat (3b606), 0,76mg of selen from Natriumselenit (3b801), 0,33mg of selen from Selenomethionin (3b815) Zootechnische Zusatzstoffe 4b1710 Saccharomyces cerevisiae MUCL 39885 (Vistacell). Anzahl koloniebildender Einheiten (KBE) Mindestens 9 x 10^9 KBE/KG





Aanvullend voer voor paarden ANALYTISCHE BESTANDDELEN Ruw eiwit 16,5%, Ruwe vezels 7%, Ruw vet 6,5%, Ruwe as 11,5%, Natrium 0,4%, Verteerbare energie 13,4MJ/KG

COMPOSITION Gerstvlokken, Gedroogde bietenpulp, Sojabohnenmehl*, Melasse, Maïsvlokken, Erwtenvlokken, Sojaolie*, Dicalciumfosfaat, Zonnebloem-extract, Maerl (kalkwier), Sojavlokken*, Tarwe, Sodiumchloride, Tarwemeel, Mengeling van smaakstoffen *Genetisch gemodificeerd material

TOEVOEGINGEN Vitaminen Vitamine A (3a672a) Retinylacetaat 25.000iu/kg, Vitamine D3 (3a671) Cholecalciferol 2.500iu/kg, Vitamine E (3a700) RRR-alfa-tocoferylacetaat 127iu/kg, Vitamine E (3a700) ALL-rac-alfa-tocoferylacetaat 504iu/kg, Vitamine C (3a312) Sodium calcium ascorbyl phosphate 360mg/kg Spoorelementen 36mg of Ijzer from Ijzer (II) sulfaat monohydraat (3b103), 0,9mg of Jodium from Kaliumjodide (3b202), 72mg of koper from Koper (II) sulfaat pentahydraat (3b405), 18mg of koper from Koper (II) chelaat van aminozuren, gehydrateerd (3b406), 100,8mg of mangaan from Mangaansulfaat monohydraat (3b503), 25,2mg of mangaan from Mangaanchelaat van aminozuren, gehydrateerd (3b504), 230,4mg of zink from Zinksulfaat, monohydraat (3b605), 57,6mg of zink from Zinkchelaat van aminozuren, gehydrateerd (3b606), 0,76mg of selenium from Natriumseleniet (3b801), 0,33mg of selenium from Selenomethionine (3b815) Zoötechnische toevoegingsmiddelen 4b1710 Saccharomyces cerevisiae MUCL 39885 (Vistacell). Aantal kolonievormende eenheden (CFU): minimum 9 x 10^9 CFU/KG



Pasza uzupełniająca dla koni. SKLADNIKI ANALITYCZNE Białko surowe 16,5%, Włókno surowe 7%, Tłuszcz surowy 6,5%, Popiół surowy 11,5%, Sód 0,4%, Energia strawna 13,4MJ/KG

SKŁAD Płatki Jęczmienia, Wysłodki buraczane, Mączka sojowa*, Melasa, Platki kukurydzy, Płatki grochu, Olej sojowy *, Fosforan dwuwapniowy, Ekstrakt ze słonecznika, Maerl (calcareous marine algae), Płatki sojowe *, Pszenica, Chlorek sodu, Granulat z otrąb pszenicy, Mieszanka aromatów *Materiał modyfikowany genetycznie

DOSATKI Witaminy Witaminy A (3a672a) Octan retinolu 25.000iu/kg, Witaminy D3 (3a671) Chlorek kalcyferolu 2.500iu/kg, Witaminy E (3a700) Octan RRR-alfa-tokoferylu 127iu/kg, Witaminy E (3a700) Octan all-rac-alfa-tokoferylu 504iu/kg, Witamina C (3a312) Sól sodowo-wapniowa fosforanu askorbylu 360mg/kg Mikroelementy 36mg of żelazo from Monohydrat siarczanu żelaza (II) (3b103), 0,9mg of jod from Jodan wapnia, bezwodny (3b202), 72mg of miedź from Pentahydrat siarczanu miedzi (II) (3b405), 18mg of miedź from Chelat miedzi (II) z hydratem aminokwasów (3b406), 100,8mg of mangan from Monohydrat siarczanu manganu (3b503), 25,2mg of mangan from Chelat manganu hydratu aminokwasu (3b504), 230,4mg of cynk from Siarczan cynku, monohydrat (3b605), 57,6mg of cynk from Chelat cynku hydratu aminokwasu (3b606), 0,76mg of selen from Selenian sodu (3b801), 0,33mg of selen from Selenometionina (3b815) Dodatki zootechniczne 4b1710 Saccharomyces cerevisiae MUCL 39885 (Vistacell). Liczba jednostek tworzących kolonie (CFU): minimalna 9 x 10^9 CFU/KG - nr wet. PL0209092p



Dopolnilna krmila za konje ANALITIČNA SESTAVA Surove beljakovine 16,5%, Surove vlaknine 7%, Surove maščobe 6,5%, Surovi pepel 11,5%, Natrij 0,4%, Prebavljiva Energija 13,4MJ/KG

SESTAVA Ječmenovi kosmiči, Suhi pesni rezanci, Sojina moka*, Melasa, Koruzni kosmiči, Grahovi kosmiči, Sojino olje*, Dikalcijev fosfat, Ekstrakt sončničnih semen, Maerl (calcareous marine algae), Sojini kosmiči*, Pšenica, Sol, Pšenična krma, Mešanica aromatičnih spojin *Genetsko spremenjen material

DODATKI Vitamini Vitamin A (3a672) Retinil acetat 25.000iu/kg, Vitamin D3 (3a671) Holekalciferol 2.500iu/kg, Vitamin E (3a700) RRR-alfa-tokoferil-acetat 127iu/kg, Vitamin E (3a700) All-rac-alfa-tokoferil-acetat 504iu/kg, Vitamin C (3a312) Natrij-kalcijev askorbil fosfat 360mg/kg Elementi v sledeh 36mg of železov from Železov (II) sulfat monohidrat (3b103), 0,9mg of jod from Brezvodni kalcijev jodat (3b202), 72mg of bakrov from Bakrov (II) sulfat pentahidrat (3b405), 18mg of bakrov from Copper (II) chelate of amino acids hydrate (3b406), 100,8mg of mangan from Mangan sulfat monohidrat (3b503), 25,2mg of mangan from Mangan kelat iz hidrata aminokislin (3b504), 230,4mg of cinkov from Cinkov sulfat monohidrat (3b605), 57,6mg of zinc from Cinkov kelat iz hidrata aminokislin (3b606), 0,76mg of selen from Natrijev selenit (3b801), 0,33mg of selen from Selenometionin (3b815) Zootehniški dodatki 4b1710 Saccharomyces cerevisiae MUCL 39885 (Vistacell). Število enot, ki tvorijo kolonijo (CFU): minimalno 9 x 10^9 CFU/KG



Pienso Complementario para caballos COMPONENTES ANALÍTICOS Proteína Bruta 16,5%, Fibra Bruta 7%, Grasa Bruta 6,5%, Ceniza Bruta 11,5%, Sodio 0,4%, Energía digestible 13,4MJ/KG

COMPOSICIÓN Copos de cebada, Pulpa de remolacha azucarera desecada, Harina de habas de soja*, Melaza, Copos de maíz, Copos de guisantes, Aceite de soja*, Fosfato dicálcico, Extracto de girasol, Maerl (Algas marinas calizas), Copos de soja*, Trigo, Cloruro de sodio, Cáscaras de trigo, Mezcla de components saborizantes *Material modificado genéticamente

ADITIVOS Vitaminas Vitamina A (3a672a) Acetato de retinol 25.000iu/kg, Vitamina D3 (3a671) Colecalciferol 2.500iu/kg, Vitamina E (3a700) RRR-alfa-tocoferil-acetato 127iu/kg, Vitamina E (3a700) ALL-rac -alfa-tocoferil-acetato 504iu/kg, Vitamina C (3a312) Fosfato ascorbilo de sodio calcio 360mg/kg Oligoelementos 36mg of Hierro from Sulfato de hierro (II) monohidrato (3b103), 0,9mg of Yodo from Yodato de calcio anhidro (3b202), 72mg of Cobre from Sulfato de cobre (II) pentahidratado (3b405), 18mg of Cobre from Cobre (II) quelato de aminoácidos hidratados (3b406), 100,8mg of Manganeso from Sulfato manganoso monohidratado (3b503), 25,2mg of Manganeso from Quelato de manganeso de aminoácidos hidratados (3b504), 230,4mg of Zinc from Sulfato de zinc monohidratado (3b605), 57,6mg of Zinc from Quelato de zinc de aminoácidos hidratados (3b606), 0,76mg of Selenio from Selenito de sodio (3b801), 0,33mg of Selenio from Selenometionina (3b815) Aditivos Zootécnicos 4b1710 Saccharomyces cerevisiae MUCL 39885 (Vistacell). Número de Unidades Formadoras de Colonias (UFC): Mínimo 9 x 10^9 UFC/KG Imported by: Horse1-Spillers S.L. Tlf:+34 916 126 502 · C/Electricidad, 56 · 28918 · Leganes Spain CIF/EORI- ESB82533282 · N.º Reg: α ESP-28000186 · Nº Importador: 142



Kompletterande fodermedel för hästar. ANALYTISKA BESTÅNDSDELAR Råprotein 16,5%, Råfibrer 7%, Råoljor + råfetter 6,5%, Råaska 11,5%, Natrium 0,4%, Omsättbar energi 13,4MJ/KG

SAMMANSӒTTNING Korn flingor, Torkad sockerbetmassa, Sojabönsmjöl*, Melass, Maisflingor, Ärtflingor, Sojaolja*, Dikalciumfosfat, Solrosekstrakt, Maerl (kalkrik rödalg), Sojaflingor*, Vete, Natriumkarbonat, Vetekli, Blandning av smakämnen *Genetiskt modifierat material

TILLSATSER Vitaminer Vitaminer A (3a672a) Retinylacetat 25.000iu/kg, Vitaminer D3 (3a671) Kolekalciferol 2.500iu/kg, Vitaminer E (3a700) RRR- alfa-tokoferyl-acetat 127iu/kg, Vitaminer E (3a700) All-rac-alfa-tokoferyl-acetat 504iu/kg, Vitaminer C (3a312) natrium-kalcium-askorbyl-fosfat 360mg/kg Spårämnen 36mg of järn from Järn (II) sulfatmonohydrat (3b103), 0,9mg of jod from Kalciumjodat, vattenfri (3b202), 72mg of koppar from Koppar (II) sulfatpentahydrat (3b405), 18mg of koppar from Koppar (II) kelat av aminosyrahydrat (3b406), 100,8mg of mangan from Mangan sulfatmonohydrat (3b503), 25,2mg of mangan from Manganskelat av aminosyrahydrat (3b504), 230,4mg of zink from Zinksulfat, monohydrat (3b605), 57,6mg of zink from Zinkchelat av aminosyrahydrat (3b606), 0,76mg of selen from Natriumselenit (3b801), 0,33mg of selen from Selenometionin (3b815) Zootechnical Additives 4b1710 Saccharomyces cerevisiae MUCL 39885 (Vistacell). Antalet koloniformande enheter (KFU): Minsta 9 x 10^9 CFU/KG