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Re-Leve®- Mix

Re-Leve®-Mix Cereal-free, low starch racing mix


  • Horses prone to gastric ulceration
  • Horses with muscular disorders
  • Completely replacing all hard feed and cereals
  • Horses that over-react to traditional cereal feed formulations, so require alternative energy sources
  • Horses of a nervous disposition, or a difficult temperament
  • Box rest feeding programmes after injuries or surgery

Features & Benefits:

  • Low starch (8%) and sugar (6%) levels with high oil values (9.0%)
  • Fat and fermentable fibre are the primary energy sources
  • BMC™ (Buffered Mineral Complex) for gastric health and bone development
  • Chelated minerals for improved absorption
  • Vistacell Live Yeast for increased nutrient digestibility
  • Natural Vitamin E for increased antioxidant support

Re-Leve®-Mix is a vet recommended high performance mix, specially designed to replace all cereal and hard feed to support horses with gastric health and tying up issues. By altering the energy sources, horses are calmer with lower heart rates and can cope with the stresses of race training when fed Re-Leve®-Mix. The formulation is made up of fermentable fibre and oil as alternative energy sources, making it a more 'forgiving' feed.

Collaborative research carried out between Dr Stephanie Valberg at the University of Minnesota and Kentucky Equine Research showed that, in a stressful training situation, diets that are composed largely of cereals and molasses can increase the occurrence of tying up. As a result, a high fat, low starch and sugar formulation was developed for horses to train and run on. It provides the equine athlete with the high levels of energy required for performance using a variety of preferred energy sources. Research has shown that when horses predisposed to tying-up were fed Re-Leve®-Mix, they demonstrated less post-exercise muscle damage than horses fed on conventional racing diets. It allows those horses that are susceptible to this problem to remain in training and to cope with their workload.

With a low starch profile and the inclusion of BMC® (Buffered Mineral Complex), Re-Leve®-Mix is ideal for feeding to horses particularly prone to gastric ulceration. BMC®‘s buffering effect on the stomach is proven to reduce pH post feeding, helping to regulate acidity in the stomach and reduce associated damage. With a reduced starch content and increased reliance on fibrous carbohydrate the risk of hindgut acidosis is also reduced. The buffering effect of BMC® is also present in the hindgut, increasing capability of the hindgut to regulate pH which in turn supports beneficial bacteria, digestion and energy conversion.

Re-Leve®-Mix is fortified with Stamm 30® for nutrient continuity and contains high levels of antioxidants, such as natural Vitamin E and selenium, to assist normal muscle function. It is recommended that 0.5 – 1 kg of Equi-Jewel® rice bran supplement is fed daily alongside Re-Leve®-Mix to boost energy levels – this palatable supplement is naturally high in oil and fibre, but low in starch, so it is a very compatible product.


  • Soya Hulls (GM Soya)
  • Dried Sugar Beet Pulp
  • Pea Flakes
  • Soya Flakes (GM Soya)
  • Cane Molasses
  • Grass Pellets
  • Soya Oil (GM Soya)
  • Sunflower Seed Meal
  • Dicalcium Phosphate
  • Sodium Chloride
  • Maerl (calcareous marine algae)
  • Mixture of flavouring compounds


Ingredient Quantity
Protein 13.0%
Oil 9.0%
Fibre 18.5%
Digestible Energy 12.9 MJ/KG
Starch 8.0%
Calcium 1.25%
Phosphorus 0.50%
Selenium 0.53 mg/kg
Vitamin A 12,100 iu/kg
Vitamin D 1,200 iu/kg
Vitamin E 319 iu/kg
Vitamin E (natural) 61 iu/kg
Vitamin C 170 mg/kg

The feeding rates are offered as a guideline. If you would like to discuss your horse's individual requirements, please contact a member of our Nutrition Team on 01622 718487 or call the Thoroughbred Office on 01488 73456.

Feed Body Weight Frequency
1.2 - 1.45 kg per 100 kg of bodyweight Daily
Feeding requirements will vary subject to individual needs, level of work, body condition and feed management practices. To discuss the needs of your stud or yard, please contact one of our Thoroughbred Specialists who will be able to tailor a feeding plan, taking into consideration all aspects of the diet, from forage sources to feeds and supplements.

BMC® (Buffered Mineral Complex) is a natural mineral source that is high in bioavailable minerals including calcium, magnesium, boron, silicone, iodine, zinc, and manganese. BMC® is used in all of the specialist feeds in our racing range following extensive research by Kentucky Equine Research (KER) into the positive effects on digestive health and bone development.

BMC® and Bone Development
Research into racehorses in training supplemented with Triacton, a supplement containing BMC® plus other key vitamins, was proven effective at increasing bone density after just 90 days of supplementation. Feeding Triacton increased the density of the dorsal cortex of the cannon bone by three-fold whilst also doubling bone thickness and increasing bone area.

BMC® and Digestive Health
BMC® has a high buffering capacity making it an important supplement, particularly for horses in training and those undergoing sales prep where hard feed intake increases and forage intake decreases. Horses in training or in prep are more likely to suffer from gastric ulceration, but BMC® is proven to double the buffering capacity of the stomach after feeding. BMC® is present in every meal of all Saracen Thoroughbred Specialist Feeds.

The prevalence of ulcers is understandably high for horses in training, which results in frequent use of omeprazole. Researchers found that omeprazole reduced calcium digestibility in mature horses by nearly 18%, but did not affect the digestibility of other nutrients. Horses routinely receiving omeprazole should have their calcium intake reviewed and may benefit from a marine-derived calcium source, which is more digestible than calcium carbonate.

BMC® also supports hindgut health through buffering acidity found within the hindgut. As thoroughbred diets require a higher intake of hard feed to meet elevated nutrient requirements, the risk for hindgut acidosis is higher. Changes in hindgut pH negatively affect the bacteria that reside in the hindgut and are responsible for digestion. Through helping to maintain the optimum pH for beneficial bacteria BMC™ supports digestive function. BMC® is proven to increase the buffering capacity of the hindgut by 54%.

Natural Vitamin E as found in pasture has a high level of bioavailability. Natural vitamin E, also available as Nano-E™ in liquid format, is used in Saracen’s Specialist Thoroughbred Feeds to improve overall efficacy of Vitamin E in the diet. The combination of synthetic and natural vitamin E enhances the dietary effect of this important vitamin. Benefits of vitamin E include antioxidant capacity, immune function and reduced muscle soreness.

Vistacell live yeast is a proven and effective yeast specifically studied in equines. Saracen Horse Feeds contain the recommended daily intake of Vistacell yeast proven to increase digestion of both protein and fibre. The markers ADF and NDF relate to various fibrous components found within the plant cells of both grains and forages. Increasing digestion of protein and fibre directly benefits the health and performance of all horses in training.

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